The View Rotterdam


Bay House and Sofitel Hotel[

The Pulse of Katendracht. That's the fancy name of the development near the Wilhelmina Pier in Rotterdam. Part of it is the new construction of the Bay House and the Sofitel Hotel. These are respectively a very luxurious residential building with 110 flats and an exclusive 5-star hotel with 200 rooms, a restaurant, a rooftop bar and space for events. Together they bear the appropriate working name of The View Rotterdam.

Van Muijen Betonbouw, commissioned by Van Omme & De Groot, is handling the shell construction. Safe, in turn, is taking care of the support of over 22,000m2  of floors. An extremely complex project because of its enormous diversity. It involves in-situ poured floors, wide slab floors, beams, wall beams, steel, precast and ramps. The support heights reach up to 12 metres. A lot of challenges indeed, which we have to tackle twice; once on paper and once out in the field. And with a keen eye for safety, as our safety expert keeps an eye on things.

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