Dutch lessons at Safe (Nederlandse les bij Safe)


Lekcje języka niderlandzkiego w Safe (Dutch lessons at Safe)

You don't learn a foreign language on your own. This also applies to our Polish staff and colleagues. Because even if they are on a Dutch course, language training alone is never enough. They need to practice, make mistakes, be corrected and hear Dutch very often.

Like many other companies, Safe has a number of core values; things we feel good about and that are in our DNA. One of these core values is: "Having an eye for the employee" and this includes "Job satisfaction" and "Space for personal development".

Now let these things come together when some Polish colleagues indicate they are open to taking Dutch lessons at Safe. This allows room for personal development and we understand each other even better, which enhances job satisfaction.

Proud of Piotr, Sebastian, Krystian, Pawel B, Dawid P, Pawel K, Pawel S, Kamil and Marcin.

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